Monday, 2 June 2008

Teaching applications

No-one ever said that life as a PGCE student was meant to be easy, in fact they always said it would be hard, but when they mentioned it, they tell you about the hours of planning, they tell you about the endless paperwork and they tell you about the lack of social life (life, what's that?)

What they don't tell you about is the endless application forms that you fill in for jobs... Thus far, I have filled in 19 applications, I have had 3 interviews and I am fed up of it! I keep being told that the right job is out there for me, but it is gutting when I fill in form after form, turn up at interview and they give the job to a girl who works in the school already and has never had another interview....grrrrr

Over the past week, I have filled in 4 application forms (each taking 2+ hours) and tonight I have done another 3....Fingers crossed...


Thinking About Food said...

I will cross my fingers for you too Wenchie!

Mrs W said...

Well, at last it looks like a few more interviews in the pipeline. Did anyone ever tell you that a Cert Ed would see you criss-crossing Britain to attend interviews. Now you know what they meant when they said the course would broaden your hurizons.